Friday, March 11, 2011

The Beginning

Whether you have stumbled upon this site by pure curiosity or went purposely looking for us, congratulations! you have now entered a secret society that several unknown individuals never wanted you to know about. And now, since you will be too captivated to look away, we give you Panera Paparazzi.
Now, you are wondering "how do I join this secret society? How do I become one of the "superiors"? First of all, forget about ever being as great as us. You'll never be able to climb such oceans, yes, we can climb oceans. But, if you would still like to be a hopeless peasant of the Panera Paparazzi you may, but only if you can relate to at least three of the situations below. We wish you no luck.

You might work at Panera if....
  • When someone asks for something, your automatic response is "Would you like bread, chips, or an apple with that?"
  • Opening any swinging door makes you shout, "DOOR!"
  • 75% of the time, no one knows where the chalk marker is.
  • You work as a barista, cashier, bagel backer, and dining room attendant within the same half hour.
  • You know what "panera" and "panini" mean.
  • You start to learn Spanish just from taking coworker's orders.
  • Rules were made for the customer to break.
  • You can no longer eat normal bread because it offends you.
  • You now clean up public restrooms when you use them.
  • It's a crime not to smile.
  • "Hot rack" does not mean anything vulgar.
  • "Do you have time for a chat" translates to "You will die in seven days."
  • You have the most awkwardly positioned bathroom stalls in the world.
  • Flirting is creepy... unless you're hot, a fireman or an EMT. Preferably all of the above.
  • Whether you are at work, home, or at 5 star restaurant you are done eating in exactly 27 minutes.

We do not speak for the Panera company as a whole, but are merely the gorgeous faces you will see and fall in love with.

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