Sunday, March 13, 2011

5 Reasons To Wear a Panera Uniform

You might work at Panera if... You call bathroom breaks a "ten" whether you're on the clock or not.


If you've ever had the privilege of walking into a Panera, you should have noticed several things right away. One, the colors all around you are warm and inviting, and hopefully the kind that make you hungry. Two, everyone is smiling, and... but what's this? All the associates are wearing hats and aprons!?

Indeed. For the protection of our identities, we must wear hats, otherwise the paparazzi would overwhelm us and we could never do our jobs without getting swarmed. Just kidding. Our hats make us fly. After hours we all meet at an undisclosed location and practice saving the world as we soar overhead with day old bread loaves.

As for the name tags and aprons... if I told you, I'd have to kill you. 

Now, Panera drones--um, I mean associates--are supposed to take their aprons and name tags off every time we're on break so that guests aren't confused as to why workers are sitting around eating lunch or hanging out at the soda machine while there are certainly things to be doing! But I like wearing my apron, hat, and name tag! I wish I could wear them all the time! That said, I present to you...

5 Reasons To Wear a Panera Uniform

1. Association. 

My hat has a Panera Bread logo, my name tag is the flip side of a Panera business card, and if my green apron is spotted from not too far a distance you will see it's not from Starbucks. As I approach you in them, you will know for which company I slave--I mean work. When I open the door for people at the mall, grocery store, or anywhere else, I want them to think "Hey, she works for Panera!" and come eat with us. Likewise when I pick litter up, let someone go ahead of me in line, or do any other kind deed it'll say, "Hey I work for Panera and we're nice people! Come get some fooood!"

Read about this awesome guy who married Panera!

2. Equality. 

Haircut? What haircut? With my Panera hat it doesn't matter if I'm bald or Taylor Freaking Swift. The hat hides it all. Bad hair days, good hair days; it's all the same when it's been smooshed into a hat for 9 hours! Do you think hiding my makeup with the brim of a hat means anything to me after I've sweat it all off from lugging coffee carafes every hour? And the apron hides my less than perfect pants and ugly boy scout tops. You want equality in the work force? Get a Panera apron. You can't distinguish between guys and girls in them anyway!

3. Purpose. 

If I'm in a work uniform, I always look like I have something to do. I would never be charged with loitering while wearing a Panera hat and apron. Nor would people wonder why I buy so much hand lotion. (Powdered gloves are killers.) Nor would they think me strange as I turn me nose up at second rate bread. The pins in my hat are a warning sign for others as to what they are and aren't allowed to ask of me. Make you a coffee? Sure, I've got the barista pin! Build you a sandwich? Do you see a pin for that? Then begone with thee!

4. Identity. 

While I have a name tag, I know exactly who I am. If I forget who I am, I can just take a peek at the tag hanging off the collar of my polo shirt. It works really well when I ring up a cute guy. I don't have to stutter while I'm lost in his eyes trying to remember my own name; I just point to my tag and say, "Duuuh." I also like it when guests need something and feel comfortable catching my attention by using my name.

5. Just because. 

I said so. Having a special hat is special. And you know green aprons are sexy.

I hope I have enlightened you with my undeniable logic and you are now more envious of us as ever. Fare thee well, Panera Pickles!


I do not speak for the Panera company as a whole, but am merely one of the gorgeous faces you will see and fall in love with at our bakery.