Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sounds of Panera

The sounds of our bakery and cafe seem fairly straightforward. At the registers, there's the faint beeping of buttons, perhaps coffee or espresso trickling into the carafes and mugs, paper bags rustling, and the merry voices of cashiers asking about side choices and where you bought that cute shirt.

In the dining area, depending on the hour, there's a murmur or cacophony of chatter, dishes being stacked in the bins, and overhead elevator music gently soothes everyone into a sense of luxury and comfort.

But I think the music we play at Panera doesn't really show off the essence of who we are. I was really excited when on lunch break I heard a lute plucking out a happy little "Celtic bard song," but it still just didn't do it for me.

What songs do echo the soul of Panera?

Glad you asked. Here's a list (in no particular order) of the top 10 song that keep the joy of Panera in my heart.

 Paneeeeraaa's aliiiive... with the sooound of muuuusic!

  • Marry Me - by Train - See Here
    This is the theme song for us and every good looking single man who walks into the cafe. ;)
  • Good Mornin' - Singing in the Rain - See Here
    Everybody says "Good morning!" at our Panera. Even in the afternoon. Even at night. It is our way! Thus, this song is always appropriate.
  • "Meat Pies" Song - Sweeney Todd - Listen Here
    So that's not its official name, but since the chorus isn't in the movie version, it seems silly to call it something else. And meat pies! How could you not think of Panera? :P
  • Taylor the Latte Boy - Kristin Chenoweth - See Here
    Anytime I (Pixie) work the barista, this song gets in my head. It is also the adopted theme song of one of our managers. Plus, it's Azula approved!
  • Friday - Rebecca Black - See Here
    My Friday is my Friday! Meaning, Friday is my last work day of the week! Fellow cashier cutie, Flipa, may hate us for getting this song in her head, and manager Taylor may ban it in preference to "Soft Kitty" from Big Bang, but Azula and I will always keep the spirit of Friday alive!! Don't tell me YOU never felt conflicted over which seat to take in a car your twelve year old friend was driving!
  • Hello Dolly - Barbara Streisand - See Here
    I felt like this iconic song when I transferred back to my beloved location. For those of you who don't know, I worked for about two months at a sister store and every night I wanted to smother myself with a pillow. But now, every day I think in song, "do you hear the ice tinkle? Can you see the lights twinkle?" and I know I am back where I belong. :)
  • Work Song - Les Miserables - See Here
    The wonderful thing about loving where you work is that you can make jokes about it with the most depressing songs. Well... I speak for myself only. ;) I love to sing this when people are silly enough to ask if/when they can get off the clock and go home. "Look down! Look down! You're here until you diiiie!"
  • Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast - See Here
    We sing this to customers. And we mostly mean it. ;)
  • Coffee in a Cardboard Cup - Something Pixie Found on YouTube - See Here
    It's probably from something, but who cares. It's so Panera at rush hour.
  • Wannabe - Spice Girls - Listen Here
    For all those times when a person just can't figure out what they "really really wannna" order. You start singing this classic little ditty, and they'll make up their minds in no time at all!--if only to make you stop singing. ;P
I hope you enjoyed this musical journey!


1 comment:

  1. omg you guys are so hilarious... i'm starting a new job at panera bread in a couple days, and these blog posts have been a great intro to what will probably be a very interesting job...plzzz keep writing about your experience in panera, it would be great to have someone else to vent to about terrible customers :)
